Saturday, August 9, 2008


On Monday we headed to the John Taylor building to meet Sarah for parent and student orientation. When we arrived we were greeted by our good friend Alan Williams from Oakdale. We got big hugs and exchanged greetings with each other. Alan just recently returned home from service a full time mission for two years in Florida. He was only home a few days be for heading out to BYU Idaho so it was great to see him. Sarah finally arrived and it was time for the orientation to begin.

The orientation was a spiritually uplifting experience for me. Sarah had prayed hard about where she should continue her education. Some may think she went there because many LDS kids go to LDS schools but it originally was not her first choice. We asked her to pray about it and when she did she was sure she was suppose to go to BYU Idaho. As the Assistant to the President of the college spoke he told the students that is was no coincidence that they were there. He also told them that attending BYU Idaho was privilege not a right. We heard a talk by President Eyring who said that the students of BYU Idaho would influence the world for good. He then said, "The day will come that that capacity to influence people around you for good will have you singled out as one of the great leaders in whatever place you're in. They will not quite know why, but you will know that the reason you are being singled out is not because of your innate gifts as a leader but because you have done what the Savior would do—learned how to, and did, reach out to those around you to try to lift them, to help them to be better even when it might be a little bit difficult and you might not have been received very well." I left the college that day very grateful that my daughter has to opportunity to further her education is such a wonderful place.

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