Tuesday, August 12, 2008


WOW! Where did the summer go. It seems like we just had our year end Seminary Breakfast and here we are starting another year of Seminary. This is my 4th year and I love teaching the youth so much. My class last year was what I call a "Zion" class. One of our scripture mastery scriptures was Moses 7:18 which say "And the Lord call his people Zion and they were of one heart and one mind and they dwelt in righteousness and there were no poor among them." It was a choice experience for me to meet with these amazing young people. They got along, they were never disrespectful. They did what they were asked to do. I also believe they learned to love one another and become better friends. I know I came to love them very much.

Because I had such a good class last year I was a little afraid that this year might be hard. I couldn't possibly have a class I love as much. The night before Seminary started I had a really hard time going to sleep. Remember how you felt on Christmas Eve and you were just so excited and nervous about Christmas morning that you couldn't sleep. Well that was me. I finally fell asleep about 12:30 a.m and then woke up again at 3:30 a.m. There was no need to try and go back to sleep because I could just feel that it wasn't going to happen.

Well I got to Seminary and we had our morning prayer as teachers. My stomach was doing flip flops. Then they started arriving. It was so exciting. What a great bunch of kids. They arrived on time and all but one student came. I'm so excited! It is going to be a great year!

1 comment:

Amelia said...

I think I would have loved to have you as a seminary teacher! I had a different one every year. Actually, come to think of it I think I had 6 through the course of my 4 years of high school! I'm really enjoying your blog, thanks for sharing. Feel free to check out mine sometime!